These days in Saigon, the weather is cold, early morning and late afternoon, everyone reminds each other to wear warm clothes. The weather is really pleasant, making us all feel more in love with life. This is also a suitable time for family members to be more connected through the family sports festival – organized by Estella and accompanied by prestigious units from UPFIT , Savills and Victoria International Clinic.
UPFIT as well as Estella’s partners are very happy to welcome families who have attended the festival on Saturday.
Nutrition workshop at
“Estella Fitness Day”Nutrition workshop at
“Estella Fitness Day”Nutrition workshop at
“Estella Fitness Day”Fun Fitness Test Fun Fitness Test Fun Fitness Test Fun Fitness Test Fun Fitness Test Obstacles Trainning Obstacles Trainning Obstacles Trainning Obstacles Trainning Yoga for Kids Yoga for Kids Yoga for Kids Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges Obstacles Challenges